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LiRI – Linguistic Research Infrastructure

Technology Platform for Linguistic Research

LiRI supports research in linguistics, language science, and related disciplines.  We offer a comprehensive suite of support that covers every stage of a research project's life cycle, from experimental design to the acquisition and processing of data, as well as language technology services, and statistical consulting. In addition, the Swissdox@LiRI service offers a vast database of Swiss media texts to subscribers from supporting institutions. For research data from projects in partnership with a Swiss university, we partner with LaRS and SWISSUbase to provide researchers with data archiving solutions at the end of their project.


Weiterführende Informationen

LiRI is the infrastructure unit of the Zurich Center for Linguistics

More about LiRI is the infrastructure unit of the Zurich Center for Linguistics

LiRI is hosting the CLARIN-CH coordination office and affiliated projects

More about LiRI is hosting the CLARIN-CH coordination office and affiliated projects

LiRI collaborates closely with the NCCR Evolving Language

More about LiRI collaborates closely with the NCCR Evolving Language

Don't miss the next Friday Lunchtime Talk @Data Protection Week 2025

During Data Protection Week 2025, LiRI & NCCR as Data Stewardships invite you to a social lunch to discuss Data Security with us.
Time: 12:30–14:00 (Note the updated time!)
Location: Campus Oerlikon, AND 4.55/57