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LiRI - Linguistic Research Infrastructure

Technology Platform for Linguistic Research

LiRI supports research in linguistics, language science, and related disciplines.  We offer a comprehensive suite of support that covers every stage of a research project's life cycle, from experimental design to the acquisition and processing of data, as well as language technology services, and statistical consulting. In addition, the Swissdox@LiRI service offers a vast database of Swiss media texts to subscribers from supporting institutions. For research data from projects in partnership with a Swiss university, we partner with LaRS and SWISSUbase to provide researchers with data archiving solutions at the end of their project.


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Zurich Center for Linguistics

More about Zurich Center for Linguistics

Title: Echoes of the Self: What Does My Voice Sound Like?

Speaker: Pavo Orepic

Date: November 15, 2024

Time: 12:00–1:30 pm

Room: AND 3-46 (Talk)

Social Lunch: Provided with registration, in AND 4.55-4.57

We look forward to welcoming everyone—come and join us!

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