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LiRI - Linguistic Research Infrastructure



The VIAN-DH is centered around creating a web application for viewing, querying, automatic annotation and analysis of multimodal interaction and language use in videos. The applicaiton contains corpus viewer that is specifically designed for corpora containing multiple modalities, such as text, video, audio and vairous types of annotations. It also includes a querying interface and a querying language created for multimodal corpora that allows searches through various alignments and corpus layers.

The videoscope web application (beta), is created by LiRI Software Development Group.

The project further aims at facilitating creation and processing of multi-modal corpora by automating annotation and transcription tasks. It will integrate automated annotation of visual data using Computer Vision, speech transcription, as well as annotation of grammar and text using Natural Language Processing methods. 

The project team includes Teodora Vuković (PI), and Christoph Hottiger.

The project is co-advised by Noah Bubenhofer and Barbara Flückiger. Further project members are Wolfgang Kesselheim and Simon Spiegel

Project duration: October 1, 2021 until September 30, 2023.

Weiterführende Informationen


Deep learning in film analysis

More about Deep learning in film analysis

Learn more about VIAN in an interview (in German) with Barbara Flückiger, professor of film studies: Link


Unterseiten von VIAN-DH project