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LiRI – Linguistic Research Infrastructure Swissdox@LiRI



Direct access for authorized users

Link to users' guide 

Link to Swissdox@LiRI database 

Access Swissdox@LiRI via the LiRI Corpus Platform (for online corpus analysis) Swissdox@LiRI in LCP


List of Media Sources

With further information about numbers of available articles.


LiRI cooperates with SMD (Schweizer Mediendatenbank AG) to make the Swissdox database easily accessible to researchers. The database includes about 24 million media articles (press, online) from a wide range of Swiss media sources covering many decades, and is updated daily with about 5'000 to 6'000 new articles from the German and French speaking parts of Switzerland.

Service and conditions

Data stock comes from our partner CH Media, NZZ media group, Ringier, Ringier Axel Springer Schweiz and TX Group (Tamedia), SRF/SRG, Le Temps, Weltwoche and Wochenzeitung, overall 260 sources with planned further expansion. Usage possibilities:

  • access to Swissdox database with API
  • designed for big data analyses
  • for project related academic use only
  • data may be enriched optionally, automatically processed and analyzed
  • raw data (but not derivates) have to be deleted six months after project completion
  • data may not be shared with others (third parties)
  • it is not allowed to receive all the data
  • contents received from Swissdox must to be stored in one's own IT infrastructure (at an academic institution)


LiRI aims at providing the Swissdox service to the academic community at cost price. To achieve this, the yearly costs for fees and for data management at UZH (roughly CHF 180'000 per year) have to be financed.

Two types of contracts are offered, one type for supporters and another one for users.


Academic institutions (for example universities, libraries, departments) pay CHF 20'000 per year for an unlimited quantity of subscribers. The contract runs for an indefinite period, with two years as period of notice at mid-year. Repayment is guaranteed, what means that acquired surplus is payed back to supporters if annual earnings exceed CHF 180'000 in a year.


Four user categories are distinguished:

A) Institutional user with up to 50 projects: CHF 10'000 per year (with 10% discount for a five year contract: CHF 45'000)

B) Institutional user with up to 20 projects: CHF 5'000 per year (with 10% discount for a five year contract: CHF 22'500)

C) Research project with a maximum of three subscribers: CHF 3'500 per year

D) Single user project for one month (30 days), CHF 1'000


Please also consider using the access provided by University Libraries through to browse and search the archive and download individual texts! Our offer aims at big data analysis of media articles.

Terms of Use: Data Availability Statement

Swissdox@LiRI users commit to include the following note in the acknowledgements of scientific publications presenting results with reference to Swissdox@LiRI data:

"For this publication, use was made of media data made available via Swissdox@LiRI by the Linguistic Research Infrastructure of the University of Zurich (see for more information)."

We further suggest the following Data Availability Statement:

  1. The raw data required to reproduce the above findings cannot be openly shared due to commercial restrictions.
  2. However, the original query (in YAML format) used for retrieving data from Swissdox@LiRI can be found [add the URL here].
  3. Additionally, aggregated/derived data are available to download from [add the URL here].
  4. Statistics derived from the retrieved dataset(s) is available at [add the URL here].

Weiterführende Informationen

Voucher Call for Swissdox, Sponsored by CLARIN-CH

CLARIN-CH is sponsoring Swissdox@LiRI Vouchers

More about CLARIN-CH is sponsoring Swissdox@LiRI Vouchers

CLARIN-CH, in collaboration with Swissdox@LiRI, offers 20 vouchers to researchers from the Universities of Geneva, Fribourg, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, as well as Università della Svizzera italiana, who wish to have a single user access to Swissdox@LiRI via API for one month. Read more  


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Support for Swissdox@LiRI users

More about Support for Swissdox@LiRI users



Swiss NLP award 2022 for Swissdox@LiRI service

LiRI director Noah Bubenhofer (UZH), together with Roberto Nespeca (Swissdox AG) and Fabrizio Gilardi (UZH), won the Swiss NLP award 2022 for setting up the Swissdox@LiRI service. Congratulations!


Swissdox@LiRI has been initiated by Prof. Dr. Noah Bubenhofer,  Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Gilardi (UZH) and Roberto Nespeca (SMD) and is funded by the University of Zurich UZH and the following supporters: Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Department of Applied Linguistics), University Basel / University Library Basel, ETHZ Library, University Library Bern, ZHB Luzern, Library University of St. Gallen.



Dr Agnes Kolmer

Operative manager of LiRI

Phone: +41 (0)44 63 45 747

New users have to accept terms of use

You can download the Swissdox@LiRI terms of use here: