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LiRI – Linguistic Research Infrastructure

Lab Fees

Lab & Loan Equipment Fees

Below you will find costs for the use of the LiRI lab space and equipment by academic users. Commercial users should contact LiRI for a project specific costing. The use of LiRI for BA and MA projects is free; however, it is still subject to availability and the normal project approval process. PhD students need to meet the costs of their project, however they can apply to LiZZ for a voucher to cover the lab costs. More information can found on the LiZZ website

Costings for grants

If you are preparing a grant application, please contact us by email ( ) for a formal grant costing. Please contact us well in advance of the deadline and include as much information about each experiment you plan to run in your email, so that we can provide an accurate costing.

The costing will remain valid provided the grant is awarded within 12 months of the costing being issued and the costs will be valid for the duration of the grant.


Lab Fees

Costs for using the lab are divided into two parts: a space charge for testing booths charged at an hourly rate and device charges which include consumables which are charged per participant tested.

Lab space Price per hour

Recording booth 15 CHF
EEG booth 15 CHF
Audiometric booth 15 CHF

Participant Charges

The participant charge includes both the use of the device and all required consumables.

Device Participant Charge
EEG system (Brain Products or Biosemi) 50 CHF
Physiological Monitoring System (e.g. Kapnograph, NIB) 25 CHF
Screenbased Eyetracker 25 CHF
Electromagnetic Articulograph (EMA ) 50 CHF
Ultra-sound Tongue Imaging (UTI) 25 CHF
Laryngograph (EGG) and Breathing Belt 25 CHF
Motion Tracker 25 CHF

Equipment Loan Fees

The minimum period for a loan is eight weeks and the maximum length for a loan is 12 weeks.

After twelve weeks, loan equipment must be returned for revision. A new loan can be requested to start immediately after the pervious loan has ended (subject to availability).

Note: If you intend to pay costs for loan equipment with SNSF funds, and these were not included in your initial funding application, please check with the SNSF, if they cover the costs.


First Installation

(eight weeks)

Subsequent Weeks

Portable screenbased Eyetracker

  (Includes laptop with licensed software)

475 CHF 79 CHF
Eyetracking glasses (Pupil Invisible or Tobii) 170 CHF 28 CHF

LENA Basic Kit

  (Includes laptop with Lena Pro and 2 DLPs)

276 CHF 46 CHF
Additional LENA DLP 50 CHF 8 CHF
Fieldwork camera (Zoom Q8) 98 CHF 15 CHF
Camera Kit (SONY PXW-Z90) 168 CHF 28 CHF

EEG system

  (Includes Consumables and host laptop)

1000 CHF 150 CHF
fNIRS 1000 CHF 150 CHF
Transcranial Electrical Stimulator (tDCS) 180 CHF 30 CHF
Ultra-sound Tongue Imaging (UTI) 180 CHF 30 CHF
Electroglottography (EGG) 100 CHF 15 CHF
Phonetics Field Kit (Zoom H5 & Microphones 103 CHF 17 CHF
Accessories (Audio interfaces, Trigger boxes, breathing belt etc) 46 CHF 7 CHF
Laptop or dongle with licensed software 270 CHF 45 CHF

Technical Support

Four hours of support time is included as part of all lab projects to cover basic set-up, configuration and calibration of experiments. Additional time for technical support, programming or training is billed on an hourly basis.

UZH members and research collaborators 75 CHF
Members of other academic or public institutions 120 CHF