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LiRI – Linguistic Research Infrastructure

Data archiving with LaRS and LiRI


LiRI and the Language Repository of Switzerland (LaRS) support researchers in various linguistic disciplines

  • to meet the requirements of Swiss and international funding agencies regarding the publication of your research data.
  • to curate, archive and publish linguistic research data.
  • to increase the findability of your research data using appropriate metadata.
  • to ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility of the datasets and to store your data on Swiss servers (SWITCH).

LiRI services

On request, LiRI takes care of data processing and data conversion, also

  • the compilation of datasets for archival,
  • merging and anonymizing information,
  • converting data into target formats suitable for long-time archival purposes, and
  • completing required metadata in line with the resulting datasets.

LiRI team members support researchers also with regard to general questions about metadata schemes for linguistic data, choice of license, etc.

If you are interested in a collaboration with LiRI to process and prepare your research data for long-term archival, please contact


Our service is free for researchers affiliated with CLARIN-CH institutions as long as LiRI and CLARIN-DH participate in ORD-related projects (see for instance UpLORD  project funded through swissuniversities' ORD program). Researchers in linguistic subfields at PhD level and above can publish and archive data free of charge, if their institution is represented in the CLARIN-CH consortium and if they have a SWITCH edu-ID.

Institutions represented in the CLARIN-CH consortium:

  • University of Basel
  • University of Bern
  • University of Fribourg
  • University of Geneva
  • University of Lausanne
  • University of Neuchâtel
  • Università della Svizzera Italiana
  • University of Zurich
  • Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • Swiss Academy of Human and Social Sciences

LiRI as partner of a linguistic ORD-ecosystem

LiRI and LaRS collaborate with SWISSUbase, the online platform where researchers can deposit their linguistic research data, choose the appropriate license and access permission. The metadata descriptions have been specifically developed in collaboration between LiRI Data Acquistion Officer and LaRS to serve the needs of linguistics and its sub-disciplines, to well describe and to enhance data retrieval. After submission, your data will be curated and archived by the LaRS team of experts in line with FAIR principles.

Make your research data FAIR

Findable Metadata sets are machine- and human-readable, and data are assigned a persistent identifier (DOI).
Accessible Access to the data is clearly defined, e.g. open access, restricted, closed etc.
Interoperable Open formats are used to ensure that (meta)data are compatible with different computer systems.
Reusable The license clearly specifies under which conditions the research data can be used.


Weiterführende Informationen

The Language Repository of Switzerland (LaRS) is a national platform for the publication of linguistic research data, resulting from a cooperation initiative of the University of Zurich. LaRS and LiRI work closely together.

Link to more information about: LaRS

LaRS Services

LaRS allows you to publish and archive data collections in file form. You can publish all types of data (text, audio, video, image, programming scripts etc.) as long as their format is suitable for long-term storage.
In addition, you must comply with data protection regulations. The publication of sufficient documentation material is recommended and required by research funders.

Link to user guide for Linguistics Resources

Contact LaRS for general questions about archiving research data and data curation:

Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN)

The pan-European research infrastructure aims to render accessible all digital language resources and tools from all over Europe through a single sign-on online environment. More information: Link

LiRI aims to become a certified B-centre of CLARIN-CH.