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LiRI – Linguistic Research Infrastructure

Pour une typologie étymologique du vocabulaire documentaire de l'occitan et du gascon


The aim of the project is to create a new basis for the lexicographic description and lexicological interpretation of medieval Occitan and Gascon. Drawing on the corpus of Documents linguistiques galloromans (DocLing) and the Zurich database "Documents et analyses linguistiques de la Galloromania médiévale (GallRom)" - set up with the support of the SNSF - as well as on the lexicographical material compiled by Kurt Baldinger and Max Pfister, it will use the lexicon of documentary genres to set up the "Dictionnaire étymologique d'ancien occitan (DEAO)" and enrich the "Dictionnaire étymologique d'ancien gascon (DEAG)". This will make it possible to develop an etymological, typological and diasystematic interpretation of the Occitan and Gascon vocabularies in a contrastive approach integrating the dictionaries of Old French (DEAF/TEAF) and Old Francoprovençal (GAFP), also brought together in GallRom (= Lexique étymologique de la Galloromania médiévale/LEGaMe). In addition, thanks to the balanced architecture of the database and its stable, open IT structure, GallRom will provide a permanent platform for extending both DocLing and the DEAO and DEAG dictionaries, thereby creating an ideal starting point for future work on medieval Occitan and Gascon in corpus linguistics, lexicography and interpretative lexicology.

Project leader: Prof Martin Glessgen, Romance department UZH

PhD candidate and postdoc affiliated to LiZZ & LiRI: Jonathan Schaber, Jessica Meierhofer

Project duration: 8/2024 until 7/2028

Weiterführende Informationen

SNSF P3 Research Database

More information about the project: Link