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Moving towards a national FAIR-compliant ecosystem of Federated Infrastructure for Language Data, short FAIR-FI-LD, is a swissuniversities ORD-funded 12 months project (July 2024-June 2025) hosted by the University of Zurich, with the participation of CLARIN-CH, LiRI, ZHAW and USI.
In the last 5-10 years, Swiss higher education institutions (HEI) have been working on building national services for language data. They include, up to now, the Linguistic Research Infrastructure (UZH), the Swiss-AL Platform for Applied Sciences (ZHAW), a national repository for the publication and long-term preservation of language data LaRS@SWISSUbase (UNIL, UZH), and various smaller tools and services. These units however are not all interoperable, which reduces the potential for collaboration and data reuse. In addition, fields such as interactional linguistics or second language acquisition lack adequate infrastructure.
With the foundation of the CLARIN-CH consortium in 2020 (9 HEIs and the SAGW), the HEI's efforts took a new direction: Work together to build a FAIR-compliant, sustainable and expandable CLARIN-CH ecosystem of federated infrastructure to answer the needs of researchers and professionals using language data in Switzerland and beyond; an ecosystem that must be interoperable at the national and European levels.
The present project aims at realizing important steps towards this mid- and long-term goal, in compliance with the Swiss ORD strategy,