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LiRI – Linguistic Research Infrastructure

Workshops & Guest Lectures

May 14–15, 2025: «Boost your research with the LiRI Corpus Platform: Bring your own data!» LCP workshop @ SwissText 2025

The LiRI Corpus Platform LCP is a new web-based tool designed to handle and analyze linguistic data. It allows users to carry out various tasks on corpora, such as querying and performing analyses across multiple modalities: text (via the interface catchphrase), audio (via the interface soundscript) and video (via the interface videoscope). LCP is designed to support a range of linguistic research needs, from corpus import to complex analysis, offering both user-friendly interfaces and advanced query options for researchers. Users can query corpora directly from their browser and import their own corpora using a command-line interface. In this workshop, researchers from various disciplines who use language data are invited to come with their own corpora and relevant research questions to learn how they can use LCP to extract the information they seek from their corpus.

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Latest Past Workshops and Guest Lectures

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Power analyses - Part II: Power for linear mixed-effects models

In linguistic research, data are often analysed with mixed-effects models. This is because the the data entail repeated measurements: the same participant responds to several items in one or more conditions. Similarly, a given item may be seen by more than one participant. If the data of a study are analysed with a mixed-model, power analyses for that study must be conducted with the same mixed-effects model. Unlike for the t-test, power for a mixed-effects model cannot be computed. It can only be estimated with simulations. In this second workshop, we will learn to simulate data for a continuous dependent variable using linear mixed-effects model. This will allow us to estimate power as well as the sample size(s) needed to achieve a certain power.

Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 14:15-16:00

Location: Online via Zoom

Speaker: Audrey Bürki

Please register by September 21, 2024 to

Statistics Workshop: Power analyses - Part I: Introduction

In this workshop, we will introduce the notions of statistical power, type I and Type II errors. We will discuss the consequences of insufficient power as well as ways of increasing power. We will learn to estimate power for the one-sample t-test and linear regression using simulations.

Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 14:15-16:00

Location: Online via Zoom

Speaker: Audrey Bürki

Please register by September 2, 2024 to

Power analyses - Part III: Power for generalised linear (mixed) models

Data that is not normally distributed (e.g. proportion, count, ordinal data) is ubiquitous in language research. In this third workshop on power analyses, we will learn how to a) simulate data sets that are not normally distributed, either from scratch or based on existing pilot data, and b) how to run power analyses based on the simulated data using generalised linear (mixed) models. For clarity and easy of understanding, we will first learn to implement this "by hand" in R. We will then discuss how the same process can be more conveniently performed using the simr package in R.

Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 14:15-16:00

Location: Hybrid mode (online via Zoom and in presence at UZH, Andreastrasse 15, 8050 Zurich, room will be communicated later)

Speaker: Andri Manser

Please register by October 5, 2024 to