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LiRI – Linguistic Research Infrastructure

Events Archive

Find your thesis with LiRI - information event

1st of June, 2023, 16.15 - 18.00, followed by an Apéro

Why: inspire student projects for BA and MA theses working with LiRI

Who and what: short presentations about potential topics for BA and MA theses from professors and lecturers coming from various study programs in linguistics and psychology, followed by informal discussions between students, lecturers and experts during apéro.

Where: Room AND-4-06, Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zürich

Further past events


humane visits LiRI lab

10th of November 2022, 15.30 (closed group), heads of University Management & Administration Network in Europe is visiting the LiRI lab


Wie man Stimmen generiert und manipuliert - Workshop @ Kinderuniversität UZH

7th of December 2022, 14.00 - 16.00

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LiRI workshop on linear mixed-models II: From hypotheses to interpretation with an example, 18 October, 14:15-15:45

This workshop is the continuation of the workshop organized in May 2023 by LiRI. We will illustrate the use of linear mixed-effects models with a concrete example taken from linguistics.

Prerequisite: The participants should have attended the workshop organized in May 2023 or should be familiar with mixed-effects models and should know how to run them in R.

Date: Wednesday, October, 18, 2023, 14:15-15:45
Where: via Zoom
Speakers: Audrey Bürki

Please register by October 13, 2023 to to receive the Zoom link and material.


Building Online Experiments in Gorilla
27 April, 2023, 14:00 - 17:00

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Animal vocal segmentation using Whisper

Introduction to Open AI tool Whisper, 5th of May (Friday), 12.30 - 13.30.

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Mixed-Effects Models applied to Linguistics

Workshop about Mixed-Effects Models, 17th of May, 14:15 - 16:45, Room AND 4.57, Campus Oerlikon, offered by LiRI Stats&ML group members. 


Swissdox@LiRI Hackathon June 12, 2023

LiRI organized a Hackathon as part of the 2023 Swiss Text Analytics Conference


CAMVA Workshop June 22-23

Computational and Quantitative Approaches to Multimodal Video Analysis

IAFPA 2023, Zurich, July 9-12, 2023

LiRI was partner of the 31st IAFPA  Conference takes place in Zurich, organized by the UZH's Centre for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (CFPA) and the Zurich Forensic Science Institute (FOR).

"Mund, Ohren, Augen, Hirn: Wie wir sprechen und uns verstehen"

LiRI participated in Scientifica 2023, September 2 - 3. with an exhibition about "Mund, Ohren, Augen, Hirn: Wie wir sprechen und uns verstehen".

UZH Summer School, Zurich, September 4-13, 2023

LiRI was partner of the UZH Summer School on "Experimental methods in vocal identity research", organized by Elisa Pellegrino, Volker Dellwo and Simon Townsend. 

Data Technologies for the Humanities, Zurich, September 28, 2023

More about Data Technologies for the Humanities, Zurich, September 28, 2023

LiRI was part of the event "Data Technologies for the Humanities", 28.9.2023, organized by UZH Office for Strategic Research Platforms.


Semester Courses Fall Semester 2023

More about Semester Courses Fall Semester 2023
